Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chapter 4: Science and Medicine Attempts to Find a Solution for Color Blindness

a journal published by Journal Teknologi entitled, "Development of Color Vision Deficiency Assistive System" talking about the difficult time that colorblind facing. The journal talked about the hard time of colorblind to distinguish between red and green color and cause them a lots of trouble when choosing clothes, differentiating red and green light on a traffic light, acquiring a driving license or even taking some courses in university, etc. Also, as for color blind children, the problem is even worst as most of the time their learning’s in school are related to color, like object sorting, puzzle building, color matching and so on. 

I want to write about this journal because it focused in the solution of color blindness and how the technology can find solutions when medicine can't. Color blindness is a genetic disease and there is no solution that could solve this defect by any genetic means. There is some assisting devices that can help a colorblind person to see the differences between colors by telling the colors that are in a close range.  However, the journal saying these devices are not an effective solution because they are unable to be helpful in all situations. The journal is disgusting Several ways and solutions to the problem of color blindness.

I found it interesting because the medicine and technology had developed. The genetic engineering now is close to treat the color blindness by replacing the defective gene. Moreover, the technology now is able to give the people with color blindness the ability to see colors by inventing a great advises like glasses that can correct the colors. Scientists and inventors have been and still trying to come up with treatment for the color blindness and I believe the will find the best solution in the near future.


Chong M, Fatimah I, Afiqamirul YDevelopment of Color Vision Deficiency Assistive System. Journal Teknologi Reviews 2014 DOI:


  1. I think it is fascinating that researchers and scientists were able to create glasses for people that are affected by color blindness. Even if this technology is not able to help everyone that is affected I believe it is definitely a good step in the right direction. Honestly, I am surprised that this device is just being put into use.

  2. I totally agree with what Bridget said about that glasses and i think it helped many people.
    As you said it might be not the best solution for people who are colorblindness but hopefully we can find a better solution.
