Friday, October 23, 2015

Chapter 6: Frequently Asked Questions About Color Blindness

Q1/ Is there a cure for color blindness?
To answer that question we have to know first that color blindness is not a disease that can be cure by medicine. Color blindness is a congenital disease based in corrupted chromosomes which make the gene therapy the only way for treatment. Until now there is no cure. Some scientists are trying to find the cure and have done some successful experiments on monkeys but they still can't find any treatment for humans. For more details about the experiments, you can check chapter 3.

Q2/ Will my child inherit color blindness? 
Most of the cases, color blindness is caused by corrupted chromosomes that can be passed from the parents. The color gene is located in the X chromosome; so if the father is color blind he will not pass the corrupted chromosome to his sons, but all the daughter will be carriers. In the other hand, the mother has two X chromosomes. If the mother is a carrier (has the problem in only one of here Xs), the son will has 50% chance to has color blindness while the daughters will has 50% to be a carrier. However, if the mother is colorblind all the sons will have the disease while the daughters will be 100% carriers.

Q3/ Is there a solution for color blindness?
Yes, people with color blindness can see colors by the color correction glasses. Some companies had developed glasses that can help colorblind person to has better color vision. The glasses function is to pass colors that you has difficulty to see to your retina. However, the glasses will not make you see colors as a normal person and will not be useful for everyday life.

Q4/ Who should be tested for color blindness?
People who are having difficulty to see colors. Children can have color blindness and that could be noticed by the school or their families. Also, people who have colorblind person in there family or a family who has a history of color blindness should be tasted. Moreover, people who are applying for jobs that require a colors' correctly vision should be tested for the color blindness.

Q5/ which type of color blindness do I have?
A lot of people don't know that they have color blindness until the do the test which can be found online. 90% of people with color blindness has the Red-Green type, but no one can be sure which type he has until he go to see an eye specialist who's the only one that can diagnose which color blindness type you have.



  1. I still find it fascinating that glasses are the only thing that can treat colorblindness right now. I feel as though with the technology that we have now in the scientific community, something like this would be so researched and already have a cure. Anyways, in regards to the idea that there are eye tests online, I am wondering if some are better? Are there some that could give false positives?

    1. Not pretty sure about that, but I'm sure most of the tests will not give you 100% true positive. So my advice is to only trust the eye specialist.

  2. Since glasses are the only thing that can help people with colorblindness, I wish more effort will be put into researches in order to find a real treatment for colorblindness. Even though, colorblindness does not seems to be big problem for some people.
