Friday, November 6, 2015

Chapter 8: My final thoughts

I have chosen this topic because I thought I have the full knowledge to cover everything, but I realized that even though I'm colorblind, I have learned a lot of new information. I have read interesting articles discussing the difficulties that colorblind people are facing everyday. I have went through some of these difficulties. For instance, I changed my career from studying chemical engineering, which is one of the jobs that requires one to see the full color spectrum, to Biology science. I have also learned about how genetic engineering is close to finding a cure in the near future and that is a good news for those who have color blindness and also for me. While I was doing the blog, I came a cross the color blindness correction glasses. The glasses are now the best solution for those who have difficulty seeing colors. After reading about the glasses for the first time, I got really excited to try them and experience full color vision.

The blog's experience has taught me how the science has developed and how scientists are close to finding a cure, which is the best thing I have ever learned from this blog. However, until they prove that the cure is safe for humans, the glasses are the best solution. I'm looking forward to trying them.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Chapter 7:New Outlook in Colorblindness

The Wall Street Journal published an article titled "New Outlook in Colorblindness" written by Melinda Beck discussing the future of the color blindness treatment. In the article, Beck talks over the needs for finding a treatment for color blindness. In the beginning of the article, she gave some examples of the difficulties that a colorblind person faces everyday. Then, she statistically presents the size of the problem and how it's affecting a big part of society. The problem is not the high number of people who have colorblindness, the problem is the large number of people who are not aware they have a color vision deficiency until they apply for jobs that require color recognition. Beck presents the color blindness as an obstruction in the way of success for those people who have it. Even people with mild color blindness cannot have some dream jobs, like being a pilot or a lab technician, because of the needs to see colors in those kinds of jobs, Beck said. In the end, the article talks about how we are close to finding a cure for color blindness through genetic engineering. Scientists are sure that the therapy is effective, but they need to know whether the treatment is safe to try it on human. Beck suggests in the end of her article that if we reduce the use of colors in every simple thing in our lives, like the color of the battery charge when it blinks orange for empty and green for full and hotel keycards flash green for open and red for close, the world would be more accommodating for people with color vision deficiency.

Beck uses a statistics scientific and university studies to support her discussion. She also support her ideas by quoting the scientists whom work on the cure statement in her article. The article is disgusting the future of color blindness cure in a Scientific and objective way.



Friday, October 23, 2015

Chapter 6: Frequently Asked Questions About Color Blindness

Q1/ Is there a cure for color blindness?
To answer that question we have to know first that color blindness is not a disease that can be cure by medicine. Color blindness is a congenital disease based in corrupted chromosomes which make the gene therapy the only way for treatment. Until now there is no cure. Some scientists are trying to find the cure and have done some successful experiments on monkeys but they still can't find any treatment for humans. For more details about the experiments, you can check chapter 3.

Q2/ Will my child inherit color blindness? 
Most of the cases, color blindness is caused by corrupted chromosomes that can be passed from the parents. The color gene is located in the X chromosome; so if the father is color blind he will not pass the corrupted chromosome to his sons, but all the daughter will be carriers. In the other hand, the mother has two X chromosomes. If the mother is a carrier (has the problem in only one of here Xs), the son will has 50% chance to has color blindness while the daughters will has 50% to be a carrier. However, if the mother is colorblind all the sons will have the disease while the daughters will be 100% carriers.

Q3/ Is there a solution for color blindness?
Yes, people with color blindness can see colors by the color correction glasses. Some companies had developed glasses that can help colorblind person to has better color vision. The glasses function is to pass colors that you has difficulty to see to your retina. However, the glasses will not make you see colors as a normal person and will not be useful for everyday life.

Q4/ Who should be tested for color blindness?
People who are having difficulty to see colors. Children can have color blindness and that could be noticed by the school or their families. Also, people who have colorblind person in there family or a family who has a history of color blindness should be tasted. Moreover, people who are applying for jobs that require a colors' correctly vision should be tested for the color blindness.

Q5/ which type of color blindness do I have?
A lot of people don't know that they have color blindness until the do the test which can be found online. 90% of people with color blindness has the Red-Green type, but no one can be sure which type he has until he go to see an eye specialist who's the only one that can diagnose which color blindness type you have.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Chapter 5: Color For All

        Because I have color blindness I thought that I would never see colors the same as other people. That changed when I heard about color blindness correction glasses. The glasses are produced by Enchroma company. EnChroma is a Berkeley, California company that emerged out of an NIH SBIR grant designed to study the feasibility of enhancing color vision in humans. The company is selling the glasses worldwide, and anyone can buy them online. The glasses' prices range between $300 to $700.

How does it work:

        The glasses' lenses look ordinary and the frames also look like other glasses, and when you wear them, they will appear like any stylish sunglasses. However, when a colorblind person wears them, they will be different than other glasses. Actually the world will look different with colors and the colorful objects, such as flowers, colorful paint and fabrics, food, and traffic signs suddenly “pop” with a heightened purity and intensity. That is because the glasses contain one or more sharp “cutouts” in the visible spectrum. To make a lens that helps with red-green color blindness, "the notch filtering occurs primarily in the spectral region corresponding to the maximum overlap between the red and green photopigments. Effectively, this drives a kind of wedge between the Red cone and Green cone signals, thus improving the separation of their signals and providing better color vision to the deficient observer" (Enchroma).

Is it a cure?
        The glasses are not a cure for the color blindness. Like any eyeglass product, they are an optical assistive device. The glasses are a fascinating solution for color blindness and could impact a lot of people who have color vision deficiency worldwide. 


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chapter 4: Science and Medicine Attempts to Find a Solution for Color Blindness

a journal published by Journal Teknologi entitled, "Development of Color Vision Deficiency Assistive System" talking about the difficult time that colorblind facing. The journal talked about the hard time of colorblind to distinguish between red and green color and cause them a lots of trouble when choosing clothes, differentiating red and green light on a traffic light, acquiring a driving license or even taking some courses in university, etc. Also, as for color blind children, the problem is even worst as most of the time their learning’s in school are related to color, like object sorting, puzzle building, color matching and so on. 

I want to write about this journal because it focused in the solution of color blindness and how the technology can find solutions when medicine can't. Color blindness is a genetic disease and there is no solution that could solve this defect by any genetic means. There is some assisting devices that can help a colorblind person to see the differences between colors by telling the colors that are in a close range.  However, the journal saying these devices are not an effective solution because they are unable to be helpful in all situations. The journal is disgusting Several ways and solutions to the problem of color blindness.

I found it interesting because the medicine and technology had developed. The genetic engineering now is close to treat the color blindness by replacing the defective gene. Moreover, the technology now is able to give the people with color blindness the ability to see colors by inventing a great advises like glasses that can correct the colors. Scientists and inventors have been and still trying to come up with treatment for the color blindness and I believe the will find the best solution in the near future.


Chong M, Fatimah I, Afiqamirul YDevelopment of Color Vision Deficiency Assistive System. Journal Teknologi Reviews 2014 DOI:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chapter 3: A Cure for the Colorblindness

       I am one of 8% color blindness men around the world. I have been colorblind since I had born and I thought I will be forever until I read the article written by the Daily Dots'  Cynthia McKelvey titled, "Researchers are closing in on a cure for color blindness with the help of monkeys", the article seems like a glimmer of hope for the people whom had suffered from the Color Vision Deficiency.

       The article talks about the possibility to change the mutation that occur in the gene that is responsible for the Red-Green color blindness by injecting a virus that has the missing gene underneath the retina. The virus will pass the gene in order to produce the cells necessary to perceived red.

       Dr. Neitz and his wife Maureen have been working on the color vision research since 1999.  Dr Neitz had treated monkeys from color blindness and succeeded to find a cure. However, this treatment had never been tried on human to see if the treatment is both safe and effective. The cure is ready to be tasted in human but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had not approved the procedure for human trails.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chapter 2: Classification

Most people think that a color blindness person cannot see colors at all or see the world in black and white hues and shades of grey, which is correct, but this is just one type of color blindness and it is called monochromacy or ‘totally’ color blind but it is very rare. There is three other types of color blindness as I mentioned in chapter 1 and each type can be classified based on partial or complete loss of function of one or more of the different cone systems. 

The types of Color Blindness (Color Vision Deficiency) :

1. Red-Green color blindness:
There is to types of Red-Green color blindness the first one and the most common type and what is known as "deuteranomaly". This type is affected 6% of males and 0.01% of females. Having a mutated form of the long-wavelength (red) pigment, whose peak sensitivity is at a shorter wavelength than in the normal retina. This means that they are less able to discriminate colors, and they do not see mixed lights as having the same colors as normal observers. 

Normal Vision

The second type affected only 1% of males and rare in females which is the Protanopia. Having a mutated form of the long-wavelength (red) pigment, whose peak sensitivity is at a shorter wavelength than in the normal retina.

Normal Vision

2. Blue-Yellow color blindness:
This type is affecting 1% of males which called Tritanopes. Having a mutated form of the short-wavelength (blue) pigment. The short-wavelength pigment is shifted towards the green area of the spectrum.   

Normal Vision

3. Total Color Blindness:

According to the Colour Blind Awareness organization this type of Color Vision Deficiency is extremely rare and only in approximately 1 person in 33,000. people with total color blindness can not see the colors at all and all the see is different shades of gray ranging from white to black due to failure of two or the three cone cell photopigments.

Normal Vision
Total Colorblind
